'the house at grey dam' is a project revolving around group participation and aims at highlighting the connection that people have to shared spaces, as such it is, I feel, important that interested parties and affected individuals have a platform from which to speak and voice concerns that they might have over the proposed use of these shared spaces.
A number of concerns have been raised by the Kowie Catchment Campaign (KCC) as well as a few individuals, which I feel should be made public and hopefully addressed. As all received emails raise the same issues, I will refer to concerned parties as KCC
Issues raised so far are as follows
1) We were all concerned about the possible fire hazard caused by this house and thought that a more central location would be better.
2)We were also concerned about the litter problem which such a structure would possibly cause. Especially as it goes into the night much litter may be overlooked
3)Permission: I would be a bit surprised to hear that the Municipality had authorised this candle-lighting ceremony on Mt Drive. Have you been in touch with Kevin Bates or somebody else there?
4)In addition personally I wonder if resources should be used for such a ephemeral project in this age of understanding what impacts humans are making on our planet
This project was conceptualised around the location of grey Dam, I wanted to do something within the space, as it is particularly special for me and, being a shared space, I began working with the notion of sharing those experiences with people who utilise the area. The project grew from there. The idea of doing a fire sculpture, arose from watching the reflection of lights on the surface of the water and I felt that the low glow emitted by candle light through brown paper bag would create a very special atmosphere for everyone present. The landscape slope on the far side of Grey Dam is somewhat essential for the image to be viewed from ground level.
Other, more controlled and accessible areas that I looked at such as the Botanical gardens already have much debate in the recent press as to how it should be used and did not want this project to be confused with, thought to be commenting on or brought into that debate.
I initially approached Mr Kevin Bates' office with enquiries as to how to go about this project, and after the second visit (Mr Bates was not available) was directed to the Dept of Civil Engineers who, I was told, was in charge of Grey Dam. The dept approved verbally of the project as long as I was not going to permanently affect the landscape.
I have subsequently spoken to Mr Bates and he said that it is fine, his major concern being the fire hazard, but as long as precautions are in place, he sees no problem in going ahead with the project.
As far as fire safety goes, there will be volunteers on the hillside (the same people who light the candles) who will be in charge of keeping an eye on various, manageable sections of the sculpture- to react at the first sign of any unintended smouldering or burning (the brown bag for instance). There will also be two fire extinguishers on that side of the dam should any grass begin to burn. The Grahamstown fire dept. is also aware of the project and is on standby.
As far as other safety issues go, the Traffic Dept as well as the Police dept. are also on standby.
I understand the concerns regarding fire and wish to assure landowners in the area as well as interested parties that I am not about to take risks with any space that I share with others. If the weather is not conducive for this project, it will be suspended or postponed till a more suitable time. I have also decided to limit the 'bricks' used to 500 thereby halving the potential for any accidents- I hope that this is seen as an amicable compromise.
With regards to waste- The bags used to build the house are going to be weighted with sand and are not likely to blow around on the landscape. Candles will be enclosed within the bag and wax is unlikely to spill out. The bags are designed as original prints and participants are encouraged to take them home. Those which are left behind or overlooked in the dark will be retrieved on Monday morning and bags will either be reused or recycled. Leftover candles donated to people who need or want them, alternatively I will find some other use for them. Sand will be returned to where it came from. As far as litter created by people visiting the dam, I feel that these people are generally people who utilize the dam already and hope that they will show the same respect for the venue as they would normally. There will be dustbin bags available and leftover refuse will be removed and disposed of. I am wanting to create as little long term impact on the area as possible.
With respect to the concern about the art being ephemeral, I'm not sure how to respond. I feel that that the resources that will be used are all reusable or recyclable and that the aims of the art piece are valid and hopefully its effect will have a positive impact on those people who participate in creating and those who view the piece.
I hope that some of the concerns raised in email correspondence with me have been satisfactorily answered, and that those people who have issues with this project going ahead, might have a better understanding of my motives as well the precautionary measures that have been taken.
If you have any questions/concerns, please direct them via email to Gorgebaboon@hotmail.com (I unfortunately have no idea how to allow comments on this blog to be viewed and commented on...otherwise i would)
Hope to see you there- If you are keen on helping out on the day- lighting, keeping an eye on the candles, please contact me, i am most grateful for any assistance.