The making of this work will take place within the shared space of Grey Dam- a recreational facility, and landscape to which many people in the area have a personal and emotional connection. I hope that in creating this sculpture, participants will be able to highlight the extent to which these spaces, although seemingly private and meaningful to different people in different ways, are shared and important to all who make use of them.
I also hope that in sharing in the process of art making, 'the house at grey dam' will help deconstruct many peoples' perception of art as 'an object to be viewed.' By actively involving themselves with the landscape, participants become part of dialogue where artists, artwork, landscape and viewers are equally important and all are part of the sculpture as a whole.
the way to be a part of it
There are many ways in which you can participate in creating 'the house at grey dam.'
Standard Bank Grahamstown
Branch Code: 050917
Acc No: 082 010 706
Ref: Habitat4Humanity- Grey Dam- '+your email address'
Fax proof of payment to: (046) 603 7086. Cheques should be written to: Rhodes University SRC – Habitat for Humanity.
Please add your email address as we would like to keep all sponsors aware of any changes made to the event. We will also send you digital images of the event as well as of the completed sculpture. Although Habitat 4 Humanity always welcomes donations from the public, please have any deposits made before Friday 25th May, so that they can be processed and bricks that you have bought can be included.
the houseThe design chosen to be lit on the landscape was inspired by one of the facades of a house standing in the Grahamstown Botanical Gardens. I felt that this was appropriate as the Botanical gardens is another shared space, important to both residents and visitors to Grahamstown alike.
Previously a home, then a restaurant, then uninhabited and now under construction towards a new use, this building reminded me of the transient nature of meanings imposed by us on each landscape we encounter. I feel that this transience fits very well with the ephemeral quality of 'the house at grey dam'. As it is under construction, this resonates with the participation aspect of building a house.
the beneficiary
Policy decision-making, programmatic oversight and accountability lie with the National Board of Directors. Member of the Board assist with local fundraising and provide specialist skill in areas such as legal and finance, human resource management, marketing and volunteer management. A Habitat for Humanity International representative serves on the Board.
Locally, Habitat for Humanity staff members provide support to the affiliates in the areas of community development, training and facilitation, project and construction management, fiscal accountability and fund raising. A large network of volunteers also provides support in fundraising, community relations, corporate relations, training and constructions. These volunteers are organised in to committees that serve each of the regions.
Habitat is about more than building a house. It's about establishing a home for a family, transforming a community and building a nation.
the sponsors
Thank you to everyone who plans to be at Grey Dam on Sunday 27th May and take part in building 'the house at grey dam', you're all beautiful.